Self-excuse, by John Leland, is excerpted from the pamphlet A Budget of Scraps, first published in 1810.
In the year 1785, there lived in the city of Richmond, (Vir.) a free negro woman, who by her parsimony obtained money enough to purchase her husband, who was a slave. The woman being a member of the Baptist church, in that city, was complained of before the church, for allowing of lewd conduct in her house. She did not deny the truth of the charge, but excused herself thus, “Pray, how can I help it? My husband is the head, and does as he pleases; and I, who am his wife, cannot help it.” At the same meeting, another charge was brought against her, for whipping her husband; to which she replied, “I bought him with my own money – he is my legal property, and shall mind me; otherwise I will whip him.”
Excuse – the doctrine of the Fall,
From Adam first we hear;
The roots are found within us all,
No mortal man is clear.When God commands him to approach,
And answer to his case-
Just nineteen words from him we hear,
Instead of saying yes.